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How to Use Social Media to Attract Insulation Installation Jobs

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Social media marketing for insulation companies requires a different thought process behind it compared to other small businesses. It’s very unlikely that social media will attract quick and instant leads for an insulation installation company, but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth investing the time and resources into creating and maintaining an active presence across social media.

With more than 80% of all U.S. adults having at least one social media account, there is a very good chance that your customers – past, current, and future – are likely to be active on popular platforms.

Social media allows you to market to a wide audience, collect information and insights that can be used to improve your marketing messages and results and start meaningful conversations with local consumers interested in your insulation company’s service.

Even though the average homeowner isn’t immediately turning to social media when they need to install or replace insulation, there are several benefits of incorporating it into your online marketing strategy. These include:

Business Credibility: Having a presence on all of the top social media platforms adds to your credibility. This also gives you more of a presence in Google’s search results, as social media profiles rank on top organically due to the authority of these platforms.

Customer Care Channel: Your social media profiles act as another way for potential customers to contact you. We live in a day and age where some consumers would rather send a message on Facebook rather than pick up the phone. By making your business accessible via social media you welcome more inbound inquiries that can turn into insulation jobs.

Remarketing Ads: You can launch ads on social media that only target consumers who have recently visited your website. This allows you to remarket to an audience that you know without a doubt that is interested in your services.

There are several reasons to start being active on the top platforms. Let’s look into the best ways to help your insulation business utilize social media to attract more insulation installation jobs.

Secure Your Username on All Social Media Platforms

It’s important to maintain consistent branding across social media, which means you should attempt to secure your business name as your social media handle on all platforms. For example, if your insulation company is named “XYZ Insulation Services” a great handle would be @xyzinsulation. This is easily recognizable, matches your business name, and is short enough to be identified by those already familiar with your brand. Furthermore, keeping it uniform with your business name helps with SEO.

Even if you don’t plan on being active on a particular channel until a later time it’s a good idea to claim your username. It takes a few minutes and it can also act as a placeholder for page one Google exposure. For example, if you aren’t planning on being active right away on Twitter, create the profile, secure your username, upload a profile image, header cover, write a description, and include a link to your insulation company’s website.

This is now an online property in your control that will show up on the top of Google when someone searches your company’s name. The social media channels you will want to set up and secure your username, which also doubles as your URL, are:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • YouTube
  • Pinterest

This is a great starting point, and these are all very high authority websites that will help your insulation business gain additional exposure in the search results. Any opportunity to attract attention and drive it back to your website should be welcomed.

Pick the Social Media Platforms to Participate on & Actively Engage

Many insulation social media marketing strategies start small, focusing on only one platform to begin, and this is typically Facebook. Don’t feel that you have to be active on all of them right away. Build up your audience on one to start and learn how to best engage with your followers and how to create content that attracts organic traffic.

From there you can introduce additional channels, and allocate your time and resources accordingly. If you are seeing a positive impact from your time spent on Facebook you will want to expand your reach and be active on more social platforms.

If you followed the suggestion in the first tip above, you will secure your handle on all of the social media platforms and they will be available to use when you are ready. Also, building a following for an insulation company isn’t easy – it takes time. Get started by asking friends and family to follow the page and share it with their connections. This type of grassroots approach can help get you some initial traction.

Post with a Purpose and Plan Rather Than On-the-Fly

Coming up with content to post on social media is a struggle many businesses face, and it’s not just in the insulation industry. It’s important to post information that will be well received and appreciated, contributing to building relationships, supporters, and eventually customers.

Rather than posting random information on the fly without any thought behind it, plan your content ahead of time. Take the time to put some thought into it and a strategy behind it. Consider creating content that accomplishes the following three things:

Builds Company Awareness: Posting insightful and interesting content draws more attention to your insulation business, which translates into more awareness. When a consumer needs an insulation contractor your business will be the only option they think of.

Provides Value to Consumers: Sharing information, such as statistics on energy savings, that provides value to consumers, is a great strategy. Content that educates consumers and provides statistics and facts is great content to post.

Drives Action: Imagine if a consumer comes in contact with your post that shows that new insulation can drastically reduce heating and cooling bills? That little piece of educational information can drive new leads that otherwise wouldn’t have happened.

Create a Social Media Content Calendar Using Hootsuite

Once you have your content identified, use a scheduling tool to make life easier while ensuring your social media profiles that you are active on always have new fresh content to engage with and attract new potential customers.

A tool like Hootsuite has a free plan available that gives you access to all of the features you will need to get started and stay organized. You can schedule 30 days or more ahead of time, allowing you to put some thought into what you want to post and avoid having to scramble at the last minute to find something to post in real-time.

You don’t want to be too overwhelming in terms of the amount of content posted, especially when your following is small. A couple of posts per week is more than enough to begin, and as you see more followers and more engagement per post you can begin to scale your post frequency to meet the demand.

Final Thoughts

Marketing for insulation companies needs to include social media, as there is far too much upside available simply by being active on the popular platforms. Even if you don’t want to pay for remarketing ads, a strictly organic approach can be highly beneficial.

When you find the perfect balance of content format, topics, and post frequency, it enables to you draw more attention to your insulation business, creates strong awareness within the local community.

However, if you struggle with content or simply don’t have the time to dedicate to coming up with topics, creating images and video content, and managing your posting, we can help. Our fully-managed insulation company social media marketing service handles everything for you and focuses on lead generation and customer acquisition.

If you would like to learn more about our social media services for insulation businesses, please contact us today to speak with one of our marketing experts. We will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have about promoting your insulation company on social media.

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